Webmaster Geschrieben 25. Februar Teilen Geschrieben 25. Februar Who are you? By Dr. Cemil Sahinöz We’re proud to bring Who are you? to you via ElevenLabs Publishing About this title I am me I am the greatest I am a nobody I am a computer I am a thinking animal I am a human being Who are you? Where do you come from? Where are you going? This book describes from a modern and scientific perspective the often sought after MEANING OF LIFE, MEANING OF EXISTENCE. If you want to know who you really are, this is the book for you! so… Who are you? https://elevenreader.sng.link/Ec0cy/a8zq8/yojr?pcn=web_catalog&pcrid=yciuazTs68mJrXzVJtP2&_p=elevenlabs%3A%2F%2Fread%2FyciuazTs68mJrXzVJtP2 https://elevenreader.io/app/reader/audiobooks/yciuazTs68mJrXzVJtP2 Zitieren Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen Mehr Optionen zum Teilen...
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