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Angelina Jolie Mit Kopftuch Hilft Den Armen Menschen in Pakistan


Hier zwei Videos von der berühmten Schauspielerin Angelina Jolie in Pakistan:






Hier ein schöner Ausschnitt aus ihrem Tagebuch ihrer Reise über den Islam, nach dem ihr palesinensische Kinder in einem Flüchtlingslager über den Eid-ul-fitr erzählt haben:


“We would love to be able to celebrate Eid. If we went home we could visit friends and maybe go to the entertainment.” Eid is a day of celebrations for Muslims. “Eid” means recurring happiness or festivity. A very important aspect of Eid is the charity which all Muslims are expected to extend to the needy. The first Eid of the year, is known as “Eid Al-Fitr”. Al Fitr literally means breaking of fast. Thus Eid Al Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawaal, the tenth month in the Muslim calendar, to mark the end of a month long fast during the month of Ramadan. It is believed that the Koran was revealed during this month. Coming with the full moon, Eid Al Fitr is a day of joy and thanksgiving. On this day Muslims, show their joy for the health, strength and opportunities of life, which Allah has given them to fulfill their obligations of fasting and other good deeds during the month of Ramadan. It is considered unholy to fast on this day. It is also a day of forgetting old grudges and ill feelings towards fellow men."

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