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wie indische muslime 3eid (bayram-iid) feiern :)



lovely as always ;)


ich habe von meiner freundin aus delhi die lyrics übersetzen lassen:

    Asalam Alekum aslaam Eid bringsforth this message...
    This is the festival of Eid, the festival of happiness
    ...its not mine or yours, its the festival of everyone..
    it brings the message of love..
    Whether its Rehman or brother Ram( a Hindu God)
    A Salute to Hindu.Muslim ,Sikh and Christians
    Let our voice be of love and the result be love too
    Let there be no dusk over this festival of Joy
    Its the festival of joy, brings the message of Love
    Whoever understands this love, is the friend of everyone,
    Love is the essence of the world
    Lets leave the differences and hug everyone on Eid!
    Mubarak Eid Mabarak

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