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Muslim? There’s an app for that.


By Sara Elghobashy

February 10, 2010


Type the word “Muslim” into an app finder and you’ll probably be overwhelmed by the number of applications you get as a result. It’s hard to decide which ones to purchase and which ones you can live without. But have no fear, elan is here to help you distinguish between the good, the bad and the ones that make you think, “Why?”

Zabihah - The app based off Zabihah.com, the world’s largest halal restaurant database, allows you to easily locate halal restaurants, mosques and markets in your area using your iPhone. With everything from halal Mexican food to halal Japanese cuisine, your stomach will thank you for the wise decision to purchase this app.

ZakahCalc - ZakahCalc helps you calculate zakat using built-in rules based on assets, liability, worth and nisab. It’s never been so easy to give just the right amount.

Islamic Compass - There are so many prayer times and qibla applications out there but Islamic Compass combines both into one neatly packaged deal. The app offers two different athans, multiply backgrounds and themes and an easy qibla locator that uses the GPS system of your iPhone.

MeccaLocator - Similar to Islamic Compass, this brand new app from Reza Aslan also gives you qibla directions, combined with customizable alerts for 3, 5 or 6 prayers throughout the day. An added bonus - a beautiful image of a carpet that rolls out on your screen during prayer time.

iQuran - iQuran offers users the complete Quran with verse translation and recitation by Sheikh Husary, in addition to allowing you to perform a full text search of the Quran in the English translation.

MuslimLocator - I know what you’re thinking; will this app help me find Muslims? Well, sort of? It will help you find a mosque in your specified area and you’re bound to find a Muslim in there somewhere...right?

Masbaha - A digital tasbeeh app created for the extremely lazy. Now when you’re done praying, you can pull out your iPhone for a “unique and advanced” way to perform tasbeeh. It counts for you and will totally make it seem like you’re texting instead. FANtastic.

Islamic Names - Having a baby and confused about what to name it? This app contains thousands of traditional names with meanings. And if you’re really indecisive, you can even shake for a random name, but be prepared for the sound of a baby’s laughter when you do. That’s not creepy at all.

DoomsDay - Sound like a Harrison Ford movie? I think so too. This app contains information about the signs of the Day of Judgment and how these signs will occur. I wonder if it has a checklist option just so know when it’s getting really close.

iHijab Camera - “This identity filter for your iPhone enables you to change your friends’ clothes to a hijab or burkha within seconds.” Just what every iPhone needs. And if that isn’t enough, the app is complete with all the orientalist backgrounds your heart can dream of. Isn’t that wonderful?

Book of Menstruation - Need I say more?


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